Based only on the existing features of the venue, it localizes and tracks in real-time any mobile device, like AMR, AGV, forklifts, drones, service robots.
JACK SLAM © is a visual positioning system using only classic cameras to provide an accurate location to all types of robots: AGV, forklifts, drones, service robots, and all automated vehicles.
JACK SLAM © use the Visual SLAM technology, the latest state-of-the-art technology to locate any mobile system indoor.
JACK SLAM ©is dedicated for an indoor usage, but it can be used also outdoor where a better accuracy than GPS is required.
It works in urban and peri-urban environment
JACK SLAM © is a software developped by ipsum tek company.
THE-JACK-BOX © is a ready-to-use box integrating JACK-SLAM © software
JACKSLAM is a cost-effective alternative to LIDAR or UWB beacons.
With a high ROI, it can be integrated in many robotics applications for tracking in 3D any moving device.
With centimeters accuracy, it build a amap that can be shared among robots.
Insensitivive to moving objects, JACK SLAM is perfect for the localization of robot’s fleet.
Based on Visual SLAM, a cutting-edge technology, JACK SLAM localizes a robot in real time in any situation.
With its camera turned toward the ceiling, it locates based on immutable points.
As a ready-to-use hardware or as a software to be integrated on any existing embedded computer. Our engineers provide a powerful support.
The software can be integrated into any system in 2 ways:
– THE-JACK-BOX: A ready-to-use box that can be mounted on any mobile element, acting as a “tracker”.
– JACK-SLAM SOFTWARE : A third-party software to be integrated in a customer computer
THE-JACK-BOX is a ready-to-use box integrating the JACK-SLAM© software.
We have developped the next-generation (V2) using stereo cameras for more accurate maps.
THE-JACK-BOX allows: To act as a tracker and locate, for example, a fleet of forklifts, to provide the position to a navigation system and finally to act as a demo system in order to test the JACK-SLAM software in the customer’s premises
- Real time: Position is updated at a rate of 20 results/s.
- Low cost: Nothing to install in the environment, works with standard RGB camera(s).
- Accurate: centimeters localization.
- Reliable: Cope with difficult cases such as light changes, lack of illumination, dynamic objects, texture-less scenes.
- Robust: With its cameras turned toward the ceiling, it locates with immutable points (window corners, color variations, shelves, ceiling elements, etc.)
- Insensitive to moving objects: humans, animals, other robots, etc.
- Efficient: Loop closures mechanism generating accurate maps.
- Map update: Automatic each time the the system returns to an area already visited.
- Map sharing: With all other robots of the fleet.
- Light: Works on any hardware (to get an idea it works at 25fps on a Raspberry pi4)
- Multiple inputs: monocular, stereo and depth cameras
- 6DOF: issues the position in 6DOF: X, Y, Z locations and Rx, Ry, Rz rotations.
JACK SLAM uses the images of the natural landmarks of the places in which it evolves.
In each image, the algorithm identifies 100 to 200 particular points such as window corners, color variations, shelves, ceiling elements, etc. Thus, from image to image the algorithm tracks these points and calculates the instantaneous position of the mobile on which the JACK-SLAM is mounted.
In the video we see what JACK-SLAM is seeing. The green points are the features it takes to perform the localization.
We can see JACK SLAM in action. Its camera is turned at 70° towards the ceiling and 20° forward:
This is an ideal inclination for a localization performed with landmarks on the ceiling and the tops of the walls.
In this video, we also see that direct lights do not affect the localization.
Mounted on an industrial cleaning machine
In this video, JACK-SLAM is embedded on an industrial cleaning machine.
It runs in a 20,000m2 supermarket with its camera fully turned towards the ceiling.
It uses a single RGB camera 640×480.
Video is accelerated for convenience.
After having done 400m, JS comes back to a zone already mapped:
We can notice at this moment that the precision before this loop closure is excellent (about 10m difference) and that the map becomes consistent once the loop is closed.
In Challenging environments
To test the system in challenging situations, we use photo-realistic simulation environments with camera mounted on an aerial vehicle. These environments permit also to show the ability of JACK-SLAM to localize in 3 dimensions.
THE-JACK-BOX-DEMO hand-held in an office
Application in an office where the box sends results on a PC running the SurvEye software.
It can relocate in less than a second (for example if the system is suddenly brought anywhere in its map).
Because the cameras are turned toward the ceiling, it continues to work perfectly even if the environment has completely changed (for example a warehouse has been totally restructured).
It needs little to provide efficient localization: A simple 4-core CPU and low-cost cameras.
Wherever an accurate indoor location is needed.
To locate any moving element in 3D within a few centimeters.
Logistics and Assembly plants.
Public places (hospitals, museums, airports, …).
Supermarkets and Retail stores.
Private house.
Research Labs.
Retirement homes.
Exhibitions and Shows.
Hotels and Restaurants.
Robots in city
SLAM (Simultaneous Localization And Mapping) is the way to locate a device indoor.
The ability to build a map and simultaneously localize within that map is essential in all robotic applications. The input sensor for SLAM is traditionally a LIDAR.
Visual SLAM (VSLAM) uses a mono or stereo camera as input to localize, so a low cost sensor.
This technology, much more efficient than LIDAR in many cases, is old but has never been able to have a practical use because of the important CPU resources required. Today, both powerful and inexpensive hardware and the optimizations made by ip sum tek allow the use of VSLAM in real time on low cost computers.
The principle to locate is like the one used by humans: Detecting the natural features seen by the camera (a difference in color, an angle, a shape, …). Have a look to the videos of this site to understand the principle.
The easiest way to test the JACK SLAM positioning system is to purchase a JACK-BOX (V2).
This box, with calibrated cameras, computer and battery is ready to use. You can use it handheld and walk around, it will locate you. Or you can temporarily install it on any mobile system (a better way to test it in-situ).
The location is transmitted via Wi-Fi and you can see the result immediately on a PC with the supplied software (the result is localization in real time).
ip sum tek provides THE-JACK-BOX, a hardware that can be directly mounted in any robot (with any power supply ranging from 9V to 60VDC) and -but not necessarily- interfaced with any navigation system.
ip sum tek also provides a software that can be integrated in embedded computer using Linux as OS.
Both are sold on license-based: 1 robot or 1 tracker = 1 license.
There are 2 cases where a VSLAM may not work perfectly:
– Less textured scenes (example: a white wall fills the entire field of view of the camera)
– In total darkness
But these 2 cases can be overcome.
THE-JACK-BOX is a ready-to-use box integrating the JACK-SLAM© software: Mounted on a moving machine (a robot, a cleaning machien, a forklift, …) it will locate it in real time with precision. This can therefore typically be used to locate forklift fleets in order to optimize their routes and thus help avoid collisions.