If none of our robotic vehicles are suitable for you, we sell all the components needed to build your own AMR.
It is YGGY-CUSTOM, a service which allows you to fully adapt the robotic vehicle to your needs (shape, size, batteries, etc.)
How it works
- To build your own autonomous robot, you can buy individual items or you can buy a components pack which includes all main parts necessary.
- All softwares and licenses are included in the packs.
- All components are professional metal parts designed to last.
- Components packs include a 1 year standard integration support.
Support : Our engineers help you to carry out the pre-integration and they will answer your questions, will help you to configure the new base.
They will be by your side throughout the design phase of the vehicle. - Contact us to learn more about this service.
Pack contents
We have 2 pre-configured packs:
For 3-wheels robot (2 fixed differential wheels and a castor wheel) and for 6-wheels robot (2 differential wheels on suspension and 4 castor wheels).
Overall here is what a pack contains:
- 2 brushless motors / wheels and supports
- Caster wheels with support
- Brushless Electronics motor drivers
- Batteries (24DVC system)
- Block computer with antennas and softwares
- Block LIDAR / RGB camera / 3D camera / front ultrasonics sensor
- Ultrasonics sensors (lateral and rear one)
- Contact pads for charging station
- Charging power supply (24VDC)
- Set of cables and set of small mechanical assembly parts